dancing last night at the yoga tree, run by such amazing hosts and space-holders, I had so many insights. Mama cacao opened the floodgates yet again for insight, and Mary Magdalene came through in a crystal card pull that I did sat in the quiet meditation area, whilst others danced so harmoniously with all of their being.
This morning I woke still beaming , as the sunlight kissed my skin. I pulled a Mary Magdalene card with the words 'illuminate' which blew me away, after hearing those words last night repeatedly as I danced.
I trusted that the wisdom would come, as I came back inside for my distance shamanic healing with a fellow shamaness and beautiful magdalene priestess. I am still processing and integrating the magnitude of the healing now, eight hours on, but what I wish to share from the space I am now in, is;
Our minds will always wish to protect us, it wishes to keep us alive, and so when we feel overwhelmed or afraid that we do not understand the way, that's just right. The way isn't shown through thinking, but by being.
By really being in body, embodied.
This is where the true wisdom lies, the essence of our radiant, expansive soul, our wise, wild, and earthly bodies as the vessel🌹
#feminine #feeling #energyhealing #trust #marymagdalene #shamanic #healing #soulretrieval #gratitude #embodiment #ecstaticdance #cacao #plantmedicine #mentalhealth #femininerising #wayoftherose #illumination #shaman #BoatLife