These rites will be gifted to you over two hour-long online ceremonies to allow time for integration. Payment plans and financial hardship scholarships are available
These initiations are open to both men and women. They are also suitable for newcomers and those trained in traditional healing ways. These transmissions offer a profound connection with the Nustakuna known as the feminine energies in the Andean Mountains in Peru.
High in the Andes, the beauty of ancient ceremonies and wisdom is embodied in their rituals and everyday culture. The people have survived there at high altitudes in simple yet connected lives, held in their connection to Pachamama, our Mother Earth.In recent times, the signs from the Apus (mountains spirits) and the ancestral prophecies handed down within the lineage of healer-mystics, shared that it is time to share the ceremonies and teachings of their ways. Our survival as the human children of Pachamama depends upon restoring sacred reciprocity ~ Ayni ~ meaning balance and harmony with all things.The deceptively simple, yet immensely powerful practices of the Andes, transcend cultural differences between the Andes and the Western world. As you expand your own skills and abilities, you will find your heart opening into a vivid awareness that you are part of the living universe, moving into a profound sense of alignment with the natural forces of our world. The rich array of practices that have been preserved and kept alive in the remote villages of the high mountains of the Andes offer the possibility of transforming our relationship with ourselves, with each other, and with the fast-paced modern world in which we live.The Nusta are the princesses and goddesses of the mountains (apus) and waters along the highlands of Peru and Bolivia. The Karpay Qanchis Nustakuna is the initiation of the Seven Andean Goddesses from the Incan Shamanic tradition. The seven initiations are seeds of light to balance the feminine and masculine energies within you. As you heal and balance the Divine Feminine within yourself, so do you help to heal Pachamama. They are also connected to other waters and mountains on our planet. In the Quechua language of the Andes, the word “Karpay” means a rite or ceremony of initiation.The Nusta Karpay were gifted to us in July 2024. You will notice that when you commit to the workshop, the Nusta begins to work within you and your life. Be alert to their conversation, through your dreams, imaginings, and experiences with nature. What can I expect from receiving the rites?The Nusta Karpay are given as energetic seeds of the Feminine Goddess Archetypes, and transmitted into your seven chakras and luminous energy field. The Nusta have gentle yet powerful energy; to deeply heal and restore the balance of feminine within us.The healing energy of the Nusta will help you strengthen your connection with all the feminine aspects within you and around you, on earth and the cosmos, through many layers.
Low income option of £45 available.
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