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I work with the Shamanic Medicine Wheel of the Incas, andean shamanic healing that has been around for thousands of years. Energy healing works on more than just the physical body, restoring balance and harmony and promoting the body’s own ability to self-heal.  


Whatever our beliefs or feelings around death, this shamanic work honours and respects that. Within a session, be that in end-of-life care or after somebody has passed, in person or distance, I as the shaman create a space for healing and clearing any heaviness in the luminous energy field so that this brings about restfulness, ease, and a gentle transition for the individual.


To be able to guide, support and facilitate the transition rites, is the most honourable work we can do, with compassion, understanding, and empathy, please reach out if I can be of help to you, or somebody you know. 


Concession options are available if you are facing financial difficulty, please enquire to find out more. Please email or arrange a call if you have further questions, I would be more than happy to talk things through.

End of Life Care & Transition Rites

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